Events, event busses, message busses and the like are ubiquitous in any modern microservice architecture. Used correctly, events support scalability and allow services to evolve independently. Used poorly, though, events create a slow, messy monolith with none of those benefits. Getting this part of your architecture right is crucial.
The big, business-facing events are easiest to visualize and understand - an "order placed" event needs no introduction. This is the sort of event that keeps a microservice architecture flexible and decoupled. The order system, when it raises this event, knows nothing about any consumers that might be listening, nor what they might do with the event.
Also note that this abstract event, having no details, also doesn't have a ton of value, nor does it have much potential to create conflicts if it changes. This is the "hello, world" of events, and like "hello, world", it won't be too valuable until it grows up, but it represents an event in the truest sense -- it documents an action that has completed.
A more complete event will carry more information, but as you design events, try to keep this simple model in mind so you don't wind up with unintended coupling system-to-system when events become linked. This coupling sneaks into designs and becomes technical debt -- in many cases befor you realize you've acrued it!
The coupling of services or components is never as black & white as the "hello, world" order placed event - it's a continuum representing how much each service knows about the other(s) involved in a conversation. The characterizations below are a rough tool to help understand this continuum.

When I think about the characterization of events in terms of coupling, the less coupling you see from domain-to-domain, the better (in general).
Characteristics of high coupling:
- Events produced with no knowledge of how or where they will be produced. Note that literally not knowing where an event is used can become a big headache if you need to update / upgrade the event. Typically, you'd like to see that responsibility fall to the event transport rather than the producing domain, though.
- A single event may be consumed by more than one external domain. In fact, the converse is a sign of high coupling.
Characteristics of high coupling:
- Events consumed by only one external domain. I consider this a message bus-style event - you're still getting some of the benefits of separating domains and asynchronous processing, but the domains are no longer completely separate -- at least one knows about the other.
- Events that listen for responses. I consider these to be rpc-style events, and in this case, both ends of the conversation know about the other and depend to some extent on the other system. There are places where this pattern must be used, but take care to apply it sparingly!
If you see highly-coupled events - especially rpc-style events, consider why that coupling exists, and whether it's appropriate. Typically, anything you can do to ease that coupling will allow domains to move more freely with respect to one another - one of the major reasons you're building microservices in the first place.
A little more on events: State vs Events