It's hard to believe that REST is over twenty years old now, and although the RESTful style of designing APIs isn't specifically limited to JSON payloads, this style has become associated with transformation from SOAP/XML to a lighter-weight style better-suited to web applications.
The near ubiquity of REST at this point can allow us to slip into some designs that I don't believe are particularly well-suited for this style of API. In this article, I'm going to briefly examine scenarios that work well in a RESTful style -- and why -- and for scenarios that aren't well-suited for REST, we'll look at some alternatives.
A closer look at REST
Most software developers will recognize a RESTful API, but for many, this is a "I'll know it when I see it" recognition. There's no shortage of defintions on the web for REST APIs, and I'd encourage you to browse a few to see what commonalities emerge. Among the most common traits are statelessness, cacheability, and most importantly, a resource-based interface.
The "resource-based interface" is key here - this is the bedrock of the "style" of a RESTful interface. Let's work through a simple example -- say, a car dealer web service. The GET methods here are predictable given a Dealer type:

Here, we've got a list of dealers and a GET for one dealer specified by ID. This is REST at its simplest. The resource here is the Dealer, and much of the fluency of REST comes from being able to predict not only how these APIs will work, but also the remainder of the major operations we'd expect. So, here, GET /Dealer will return a list of all Dealers known to this service, and GET /Dealer/{id} looks for just one.
Without even looking at the API spec, we know what most of the remaining operations should be for Dealers:
- Add - we expect to be able to add new dealers with a POST and a dealer model.
- Edit- we expect to POST to /Dealer/{id} with a dealer model to edit that entity.
- Delete - not all API's will support this, but for if this one does, it would be a DELETE action at /Dealer/{id}.
- Patch - again, where it's supported, it allows updates by specifying only fields that have changed, and again, we'd expect to find it at /Dealer/{id}.

A big theme contributing to the predictability of REST (which is one of the major appeals) is that you (the designer / developer) determine the resource - Dealer in this case - and the main operations shown here are largely implied. You design the noun, and REST supplies the verbs (they're even commonly referred to as HTTP verbs). Another way to look at these is to consider the resource as an object that's normally at rest (aka REST). Changes to this resource happen only when an HTTP verb acts on the resource.
The tendancy for these resources to change only when impacted by an HTTP verb via this API also contributes to the effectiveness of caching in a RESTful API, as you'll recall from the definitions referenced earlier.
Less universal, but very helpful, in my opinion, for a RESTful interface, is for the resource to behave atomically. Admittedly, the example we're using here is ultra-simplified, but when we act on a Dealer, the closer we can be to these guidelines, the easier it is for API consumers to predict how the API will perform (API's have usability, too!). These guidelines are based on the premise that REST is a web-native design, and developers will expect the API to behave as they'd expect other HTTP resources to behave.
- Operations are deterministic and cohesive. Ideally, each operation should stand on its own. Domain objects manipulated with these methods will certainly be subject to validation -- as in the url validation shown here. This is a local problem with the specific parameters sent on this call, and most API developers should have no trouble sorting out what they need to do to make this call work.
- Avoid "bell-ringing". A REST operation should be done when the status is returned to the caller. There will be cases where a changed resource will kick off a workflow, but monitor these carefully. If I kick off a workflow because I changed a resource and I don't care about the workflow, it may still be ok, but watch out for cases where a caller kicks off a workflow that they care about -- this may not be suitable for a simple REST-syntax method.
- Permissions apply to the whole resource. Imagine that the combination of resource and verb is all the information you've got to determine whether you're authorizing the operation. A user in a given role should ideally be able to create / edit / delete a resource or not.
Complications arise
As API operations become more complex, it's common to see use cases that bend the ideals of those simple REST operations. Many of these nuanced use cases can be shoehorned into a REST-like syntax. This is quite common for simple variations on verbs like Search or modifications or overloads of Add/POST or Edit/PUT. Watch for factors like these - they signal you're moving into API scenarios that require some special attention, and may be clues that you're not really working with RESTful methods anymore:
- Methods refer to a verb other than normal REST verbs. Some of these (ex: search) can be very compatible with a RESTful syntax and style. If you start running into bespoke verbs, consider switching to an RPC-like call. This can still live in the same API and use JSON for transport -- it's just going to be more verb-forward than noun-forward. These calls are invaluable as your API becomes more complex, but be aware that you give up some of the automatic usability of noun-based REST because these bespoke verbs are unique to your use case and application!
- Nouns begin to become complex. Consider a trivially-simple car dealer model:
public int Id { get; set; }
public string? Name { get; set; }
public string? Description { get; set; }
public string? Website { get; set; }
This ultra-simple model works great in a RESTful API, but it clearly doesn't have enough detail to be useful. As soon as you add more detail / complexity -- in this case, an array of brand affiliations -- the model becomes more difficult to use in the API. This example works great in the domain model, but with the addition of one new BrandAffiliation collection, the JSON structure becomes much more difficult for an API user / developer:
"id": 3,
"name": "Capital City Acura",
"description": "desc",
"website": null,
"brandAffiliation": [
"parent": {
"name": "Honda",
"id": 3
"name": "Acura",
"id": 1
A more friendly approach for the API user would likely be a nested REST structure that permits a get or post like /dealer/{dealerid}/parent/{parentid}. If this is starting to look like an OData style, that's great - that's a direction we'll explore more in the future!
Beyond Simple REST
In some cases, complex or complicated scenarios may be better-suited with an RPC-style method. These can live in a predominantly RESTful API - nothing about these is incompatible with the API specifications governing REST, but I think it's helpful to be aware when you're moving away from a pure REST model. Amazon has published a great summary of REST vs. RPC, and it's a great place to start in considering these styles. For our purposes, it's important to recognize that "RPC-like" in style does not imply an actual RPC API!
As use cases evolve beyond that simple REST/OData-like style we looked at earlier, here are some specific places where "simple REST" may not have enough gas in the tank:
- Verb-centric operations -- APIs where nouns participate, but operations are more about what's happening with those objects. These can be good places to explore those RPC-like calls.
- Operations tying multiple objects or object types together (likely in a non-heirarchical way). In some cases, graph-ql APIs can fall in this category.
- Anything that begins to take on state-machine characteristics -- I consider this a special form of verb-centric.
- Events. Depending on your use case and how deep you're diving into the event pool, these could wind up looking RPC-like or you may be interested in something like Async API.
In all these cases, be sure to be aware of discoverability and predictabilty of your API. In many cases, it can be worth shoehorning an operation into a noun-centric REST call for the sake of consistency. I'll explore some of these nuances in future posts, including places where CQRS meets events and API styles.
In the meantime, try paying attention to nouns & verbs in your API and see if that helps guide some decisions about API style.