I'm maintaining a web site for a Boy Scout Troop, and I set up the Event module and associated bits and pieces a month or so ago in order to publish our calendar online. Everything worked just fine until one of our parents pointed out that the calendars looked like drunken seagull tracks when they were printed.
Grrrrr. So I went home and checked it out, and sure enough, the calendars wouldn't print. So I googled for a solution and discovered that there's a great module for Drupal called, appropriately enough, "Printer Friendly". I grabbed this, installed it, and sat back in amazement to see that my calendars now looked merely lousy, instead of the formerly illegible. I have a feeling that the CSS powering the printer-friendly view could probably be tweaked, but I had a Plan-B up my sleeve.
The Events module also supports iCal. So I wrote a little article explaining to everyone that we had a printer-friendly link, but we also have this cool little icon ( ) down at the bottom of the calendar that lets them load our events into Outlook, Google, or whatever toots their horns. So now, our users can grab all our events, sync them to the four corners of the globe, view them in their favorite calendaring app, and print them using *that* application!
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Interesting article and nice blog you have too!